The Surprising Secrets of a Stunning Smile
If you want a brilliantly bright smile that looks fantastic in photos and really helps to light up a room you don’t need Hollywood credentials or to spend hours with your cosmetic dentist in Oregon City, you just need to know a few tricks that will keep your teeth looking and feeling their best. At Oregon City Dentistry, Dr. Johnson wants all of our patients to enjoy a smile they can feel confident in flashing. With that in mind, here are a few tips that will help to keep you smiling with confidence.
Beginning Basics
Let’s start by briefly touching on the basic habits you need to perform daily in order to enjoy a great looking smile. While brushing and flossing may rank fairly low on your “favorite activities of the day” list, this dynamic duo of dental habits are an essential part of preventing the tooth decay and gum disease most responsible for causing smiles to lose a little of their luster.
The American Dental Association recommends spending at least two minutes brushing, once in the morning and again at night. The ADA also recommends brushing at least once a day, preferably before brushing prior to bed. And while organic toothpaste and baking powder may do in a pinch, preventing tooth decay requires brushing with a toothpaste that contains fluoride, according to one recent study.
Combine these daily habits with scheduling regular cleanings and exams with Dr. Johnson and you’ll be well on the path toward a stunning smile.
Say No to Soda
While soft drinks such as energy drinks, sports drinks, and artificially flavor fruit juice all can take a toll on the health and appearance of your smile, soda offers even more of a challenge. It’s not just the sugars found in these types of beverages that create havoc for the health of your smile, it’s the acids and carbonation these types of drinks contain as well.
The acid and carbonation in soda work in harmony with a high sugar content to strip tooth enamel of valuable components that help to prevent enamel erosion. As the enamel of your teeth become thinner and thinner, the delicate interior of your teeth – known as the pulp – becomes visible. Pulp has a very dark color, which can make your teeth appear stained and discolored. Unlike stains caused by drinking coffee, red wine, and berries, your cosmetic dentist in Oregon City cannot reverse the damage done by erosion using teeth whitening treatments.
Cutting back on the amount of soda you drink daily can offer a significantly simple way of protecting the health of your smile.
Get Some Help from Mother Nature
Just as eating and drinking certain items will help to stain the color of your teeth, other items contain natural whitening agents that boost the appearance of your smile. One of the best – and tastiest – of these types of foods are strawberries. This fabulous fruit contains a natural enzyme called malic acid, which works to help remove stains from the surface of tooth enamel.
Eating fresh vegetables such as carrots and celery can also help to remove stains from the surface of your teeth. These veggies act like a natural stain remover by increasing the amount of saliva your mouth produces, which acts as the mouth’s cleaning agent. Some studies even suggest that the enzymes found in saliva work to kill the foul smelling bacteria that causes bad breath, making fresher breath also a potential benefit as well.
D is for Dairy
Dairy products contain lactic acid, which studies suggest may help to protect teeth against decay. In once such study, researchers found that kids who ate yogurt four times a week developed fewer cases of cavities when compared to kids who ate no yogurt. Researchers believe that the proteins found in yogurt may actually work to create a barrier around our teeth that shields enamel from the harmful bacteria responsible for cavities.
Milk, cheese, and yogurt also contain high levels of calcium, which does just as much to strengthen tooth enamel as it does to support stronger bones.
Visit Your Cosmetic Dentist in Oregon City
Years of eating and drinking our enamel staining favorites can cause even the healthiest of smile to lose a little of their luster. Fortunately, Dr. Johnson offers our patients a variety of cosmetic dental treatments designed to help restore the look and appearance of any smile. From dental veneers to teeth whitening treatments, Dr. Johnson can provide you a solution that will give you a reason to smile.
Contact our office today to schedule your next appointment and get ready to smile with confidence again.