
Communication Key Between Patient and Dentist

While few people look forward to visiting the dentist, there are a few considerations to keep in mind to ensure a successful appointment. Chief among them is the...

How the Affordable Care Acts Impacts Dental Coverage

Even though the Affordable Care Act – commonly referred to as Obamacare - has been in effect since the beginning of the year, many people still have questions...

Common Oral Health Problems Every Parent Should Know

Parents must constantly stay on the alert when it comes to protecting their children’s health. While a scraped knee, cough, or fever have fairly noticeable symptoms, children can...

The Benefits of Using an Electric Toothbrush

When it comes to maintaining the health of your teeth and gums, no one activity does more to prevent tooth decay and gum disease than brushing. Of course,...

Labor Day Foods To Avoid For Healthy Teeth

Labor day is this weekend, which means there is one last chance for fun with a family BBQ. Most people enjoy this final summer weekend because it involves...

Can gum recession be prevented?

Here at Oregon City Dentistry, you rOregon City cosmetic dental of choice we receive many questions from patients about how to properly care for their teeth. Once question...

Easy Ideas for a Gluten-Free Fourth of July

Food issues have become more prominent over the last few years, including people who have opted to go vegetarian, gluten-free, or dairy-free due to lactose intolerance. Family Dentist in...

The Benefits of Digital X Rays

Receiving x rays at the dentist is to be expected. X rays are important  for a number of reasons. They give dentists vital information about our teeth and...

What Causes Your Jaw Pain

As anyone who has ever dealt with jaw pain can attest, the discomfort you experience can make talking, eating, and even speaking difficult. Temporomandibular disorders are one of...